Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ever being on the bleeding edge

I shall now talk about an episode of Family Guy that aired a month ago. It's the one that Chris fell in love with the down-syndrome girl. She was portrayed as a mean spirited bitch. That got all sorts of media pundits in a tizzy. I don't blame them. Knowing of some of those people I can see where such a character can hit a really sensitive spot.

I however think it was much ado over nothing. It wasn't the dominant story of that particular episode. More like a C story. And, that character hasn't been seen since. The people criticizing Family Guy for having had such a character obviously don't watch Family Guy. Admittedly I've only been watching Family Guy for over a couple of months now. But I've noted that the writers will do just about anything for a laugh, with the glowering approval of the Fox Corporate Lawyers.

My local Fox affiliate airs two episodes of Family Guy a day. From 1999 to 2008. Not long after the down-syndrome bit, an episode of Peter playing being retarded aired. Twenty whole minutes of Peter kicking in doors in the female bathroom and throwing dishes around and using the excuse "I'm retarded." I didn't laugh at all through out that episode. That was the one the media talking heads should have been all over. They probably were, I just don't pay any mind to those evening news shows.

Personally, I had no trouble with the episode. Other than that particular bit wasn't funny. I think they made that down-syndrome girl character that way just to tweak people. And it worked. The particular people commenting about it have an audience that probably doesn't watch Family Guy. Until now. I imagine most of the critics' audience will believe what the critics say and not give it a second thought. Others will want to see it for themselves and look it up. Family Guy probably lost some viewers and gained some new ones.

When watching the Family Guy, I get offended, I find stuff not funny. But, I've noted that me being pissed off over something is far outweighed by my on the ground holding my sides peeing in my pants laughter. I have nearly gotten to the point of throwing up because I was laughing so hard.

There's a lot not to like, there's a lot to like. If you don't like it, just follow my 85 year old grandma's advice: Turn it off.

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