Monday, October 3, 2011

Ravy 2011 Pg. 40.

Long long time ago I made mention that I spent hours pasting together a new background, then forgot to save the extra stuff not used in the panel.

A week later I found it.

I have a not new, but new to me way of making these. I save them as JPGs. The dithering gives backgrounds and objects a "rough textured" appearance. I like it. Of course I then resave them as PNGs to prevent any further dithering.

One more thing:

Click Here.


Diana Pie said...

I love how you constantly make excuses for your crappiness and desperately try to pass them as professional tips.

Diarrhea of the mouth it is.

Joe said...

( That's my pie.)

Dammit, I did it again. I keep hitting the wrong link and posting these in the wrong sections. This one was supposed to go in the one below.

Booger said...