Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jackass 3: Couldn't these guys have bugetted in a hooker to flash her boobs at least once?

I have an uncredible backlog of stuff to talk about. I was thinking about what to bore you with when I noticed most of the subjects trended negative. So I decided to talk about something I like.

There was stuff about Jackass 3 I didn't like and in fact almost had me vomiting. Suffice it to say these guys are really over obsessed with wieners, close your eyes when you see the toy train go by, close your eyes and plug your ears for "Sweat Suit Cocktail." That even still has me dry heaving every time I think about it.

That aside, Little Person Bar Fight was comic genius. I can't believe those people fell for the gorilla, they've been working with Johnny Knoxville for ten years. Woodpecker Should have been in the main body of the movie. Without a doubt the bit that had me almost vomiting because I was laughing so hard was "Ram Jam." Just seeing that guy knocked around so much was worth the price of admission. It was even funnier for me because my dad has a sheep similar to that one.

It was definitely worth the matinee price I paid.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I can't wait for 2013 as well.

Not because it will be finally the end of the 2012 election season. (Which started January 21, 2009. And, more poignantly will wind up being the beginning of the 2016 Presidential Election.)

Starting about nine years ago I looked forward to that special day in that special month that matched the year. So on all my paperwork I could write 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, blah-blah-blah, yadda-yadda-yadda. Just an icksy-cutesy thing that I found fun, and kept to myself. Apparently unbeknownst to me, this is the scourge of the internet. Millions of trolls going to forums, blogs, and sites with commentary telling us that the date is 1-2-3, 2-3-4, or 3-4-5. (My goddess! Somebody change the combination on my luggage!)
While trolling one of my favorite news sites: Maximum PC, I saw this phenomenon. Unfortunately, (or fortunately,) reality prevented me from making an observation:

That in 2013, all those flat twelvers will finally have to shut up about their end of the world conspiracies.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Carbonite Convulsions

This is a real long one. It would be best just to click on my web site's link on the left there.For now.

Or click here.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog Exclusive: Why Spell Out "RKS."

Like everybody else, when it came to talking about Rosenkreuzstilette I would use the acronym "RKS." The programmers use it all over the game in the graphics and even in the icon labels. Like everybody else instead of spelling out that most weird name, and get it wrong all the time and get beat down for it, just use RKS. Only the uninitiated wouldn't know what you're talking about. I myself caught on in a short while.

Then happenstance struck. When I first got the game over a year ago, the name was spelled out in the file folder; so I always copy/pasted it into Google. One day I absent-mindlessly typed "RKS" and got a lot of nothing relating to the game. Like the guy who wondered where the Sun went when it set, it dawned on me: I need to spell out Rosenkreuzstilette all the time.

I've gone back over my articles and replaced most of the "RKS's" with "Rosenkreuzstilette." I've noted since then one of my articles is now on page eight of Google.

By the way, I will never say anything that can be disproved by a simple Google search.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Comic Commentary

Trying an experiment. Probably won't last long.

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