Thursday, May 5, 2011

Release the photos as JPEGs, please.

Mr. President, I will admit to my hypocrisy on this issue. I will never look at the photos. Not my thing. However a majority of Americans and even a majority of the Muslim world want to see these photos. And from what I'm hearing, in the Muslim faith, such photos do harm to the character of that person. Now Bin Laden was not well like in the Muslim community to begin with. Releasing these photos will do no real harm and will serve to prevent him from becoming a martyr.

If these photos are released, please put them out as JPEGs, GIFs, PNGs, or whatever graphic file you seem fit. Please don't use PDF. Remember the even greater stupidity that erupted over the release of the birth certificate? As if the flat birthers weren't bad enough. Now we are getting flat deathers. And I am so sick of Donald Trump death certificate jokes.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Uncle Ralph got his wish.

Years ago my uncle told me that when it comes to the judgment of one's soul, only God can do that. Even for Osama Bin Laden.

And that a sniper should expedite the process

Monday, May 2, 2011

Great News!

With the great news that has happened, I have decided to dig up this old joke.


(For most people that would be enough. However:)

Bin Laden finds himself in a very bright cloud like area. Suddenly he is confronted by George Washington. Who then proceeds to give Bin Laden a boot to the head. Next is Thomas Jefferson, who also gives Bin Laden a boot to the head. Behind him we find: Martha Washington, Martha Jefferson, Henry Clay, Ella Fitzgerald, William H. Harrison, Patrick Henry, Sam Houston, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Meriwether Lewis, James Madison, Dolley Madison, John Marshall, Cyrus Hall McCormick, James Monroe, Elizabeth Monroe, Powhatan, Pocahontas, Walter Reed, George C. Scott, Winfield Scott, John Smith, James Jeb Stuart, Thomas Sumter, Zachary Taylor, John Tyler, Julia Tyler, Letitia Tyler, Nat Turner, John Tyler, Booker T. Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Edith Wilson, and many many more.

In the midst of this bedlam, Bin Laden calls out:

“Allah! Allah! What is this?”

It is your eternal reward for the life you have led.”

“This! OWWW! (Stop that!) OWWWW!”

Yes. 72 Virginians!

Ravy 2011 Pg. 18.

Click Here.

I spent a couple of hours making a new background. Then moronically deleted it and emptied the Recycle Bin. I still have the part that appears in the panel, but not the rest of it. The parts I need to do a camera shift left or right.

I can either spend the time remaking the whole she-bang and having look a bit off kilter from the one before. Or I can just do what I always do: fake it.

Of course that background doesn't appear at all this week, or next, or for several more months. Making this post's jabbering rather silly. Or what I euphemistically call "normal."

(I almost put in that Ricky Martin video. Then a rare fit of sanity hit me.)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Penny for Your Easter.

As if talking insentiently about how long I can hold a button down isn't torture enough for my Facebook friends, I do somewhat irregular cartoon called Penny for Your Thoughts starring Cajun Bon Vivant Penelope Bell.

The usual format I have settle on is a news broadcast with host Ravy as the straight man and Penny as the sidekick wiseacre. Though when I have (steal) a good idea I go outside the norm(?) do a standard(?) Ravy type comic.

For the fan of this blog. Here's a behind the scenes look.

You should see the spelling suggestions for Facebook and blog.