Saturday, March 5, 2011

How could it have ever been 8 to 1 for hatred?

When I look at the make up of the Supreme Court I see some Justices I agree with 90% of the time and Justices I disagree with 90% of the time. I am totally mystified as to how these two groups could possibly come to the conclusion that a bunch of God damned phony Christians can be allowed to do what they do.

Now I could rant all day and well into next year about these people and the Supreme Court on this one.

But, I had a better idea. I went through the rusty old scrap pile of humor on my harddrive and found this gem of a joke. I'll take it and reword it for the times.

Becky and her girlfriend are on the beach applying sunscreen to each other.

(Let me take a minute to enjoy that visual.


I'm back.)

Where was I? OH-YEAH! Becky and her girlfriend are on the beach applying sunscreen to each other. When at that moment all around loud mouth, desperate for attention, party-pooper extraordinaire: Freddie Felching Phelch Phelps (who cares) comes running over to ruin all our good times.

As the turd of the human race is running, he stubs his toe on an object in the sand. This causes it to come flying out and lands in Becky's bikini-clad lap. She picks it up it and examines what looks like a lamp. You know, the one from every TV show and movie about genies. Then it begins to a rumbling and a shaking. A cloud of smoke erupts from the business end and it forms a beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman dressed as a genie. (Think Barbara Eden.)

"Thanks to this man I have been freed from a thousand year imprisonment. He may have three wishes."

"I WISH..."

"WIAT A MINUTE!!!" Becky interjected. "I"M the one holding the lamp when you came out, don't I get any consideration?"

"You're right, he gets two wishes, and you can have one. Now, sir, what are your wishes?"

"Oh I can't wait." Becky murmured.

"I wish for a 100 foot tall impenetrable wall all the way around my land." Genie crosses her arms, nods her head and a loud 'boing' is heard.

"Done! Your next wish?"

"I wish for all true believers like me to be inside this wall. We will be safe from satan's temptations and when The Rapture happens it will be easy for The Lord to find us." Once again Genie does the voodoo that she do so well and the self-professed reverend disappears.

"Done. Now you wish is..."

"You know, we could just end the bit right here where everybody is happy....... NAAAAAAAA! It's time for me to poop on their party." Becky said. "Genie, I have some questions: this wall describe it to me."

"It's 100 feet tall, 10 feet wide, goes all the way around and nothing can get in or out."

"'...Nothing can get in or out.' Check. Now, every piece of (bleep) that goes around protesting funerals of fallen heroes and little girls shot to death are inside this wall?"


"Genie, I wish for you to FILL IT FULL OF WATER!"

"Done! Well, I guess I should get back in the lamp now."

"No way! Stay out and enjoy some time in the sun. But first, you're looking kind of pale after being in that lamp for so long, you need sunscreen. Me and my girlfriend would be more than happy to help you apply it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Overcoming XP SP1

Been almost a year since I last said anything poignant about my disadventures in the world on Windows 7. (Okay, since I last said anything about Win 7.) I was mostly waiting for Service Pack 1 to come out. That was ticking me off. I was going to reinstall Windows when SP1 came out. Which was originally October. Then November. December. January. Finally February. I went and reinstalled much earlier because of some crash issues. I thought it was the hard drive, but it turned out to be the power supply.

(I know, it's not really a power supply. That's the outlet in the wall. Everybody calls that big metal brick a power supply, even Leo Laporte.)

What I'm mostly going to focus on is what has changed in my opinion from what I originally scribed about.

First is I switched from using Ultimate 64 to Pro 32. I was still having minor bug issues. Little incompatibilities here and there. It's been an issue forever. Only when all hardware and software manufacturers switch to 64 bit will the problems be solved. I decided that if I didn't like Pro 32 I could easily switch back to Ultimate 64. Other than the fact I had to load up Solitaire separately I've been pretty happy. Most things seem to be working better. Sure I can only use 4GB or ram, but hey, the most graphic intense game I have is Angry Birds. To be quite honest, perhaps the only version of Win 7 needed is Home. Unless you want to use XP Mode.

That's the next one. At first I thought XP Mode was rather useless. Sill is, except I did find one rather interesting use: Test programs I download. Instead of junking up my Win 7 install with trials and errors, use XP Mode. When things get to screwy, just delete the 4kb file in the Virtual Machines folder of your user account and start again.

I had a lot of trouble with Soundblaster. It's gone. One day it quit. I'm sure I'm the reason. The card is good. I tried it in my Linux Test Box and it worked fine. I now use what I term the Soundblaster bypass. I'll talk about it some other time.

Last thing I can think of is that I no Longer use XP Paint. I found out that I can resize the boxes even after I draw them.

That was the last bit holding me up.

In summery: I like Win 7. It's here to stay. In fact I'm at a point now when someone asks for some help with XP, I can only stammer through a response because I can't remember a damn thing about it. Win 7 has totally flushed it out of my brain.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ravy 2011 Pg 09.


It's pretty easy to tell when I do my own backgrounds.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Boy and His Dog-Type Girl.

If anybody ever takes the time to read the comments might have seen me spouting off about something that's binding my cheese. Welllllll, I changed my mind, I'm not going to talk about it. Why? Because I can. Instead let's be positive and talk about:

This weekend I was engaged in my usual pastime of going to book stores and reading the magazines without paying for them. When I was done I went to the manga section (big surprise, wasn't expecting that was you?) I was looking for the usual suspects and they weren't out yet. Then I spied the omnibus collection  of Inukami. The cover picturing a cute girl with the bushy tail had me picking it up and taking a much closer look. Yes, a very closer look.

To sum up the summery: "Ineffectual trainer has to train the untrainable." Wow, I've never seen that before *cough* pokemon *cough* kurumi *cough* Now my conundrum: which one to buy: The $16 volumes 1,2,3 or just the $10 volume 1? I hate spending even $10 on a book, I may not like it, but you can't judge a series on just one volume. It took about two volumes of Soul Eater for my to decide I didn't like it. (I do like the anime.) So I spend the extra six bucks and tax, (lotsa tax.) I figure if I don't like it and if there isn't any nudity I can give it to a friend of mine for his kid to read.

I liked it, I couldn't put it down. I went through Inukami that night, now I'm busy rereading it. Let's get the two major drawbacks out of the way. The nudity. While I love looking at naked women, there's a time and place. One of the places is certainly not in this story. Sometimes you have to take the unnecessary with everything else. The other bit is that Yoko's hair has a tendency to change color and style. Making it hard to read at some points.

This next criticism is not specific to Inukami, It's one I have of books, comics, TV shows in general: they're hard to follow at first. That's why I read through at least two volumes before making a decision on whether I like it or not. The creators are throwing all their ideas together trying to see what clicks and what doesn't. Establishing their characters and stories. That can take awhile. By about volume three of Inukami this is mostly settled and an actual conflict seems to be brewing.

To be honest, I don't know why I like Inukami. Why Oh My Goddess? Why am I still reading Lucky Star? I just do. Give Inukami a try, It can't hurt you. Well maybe drool over everything and scratch herself at inappropriate times.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ravy 2011 Pg 08.

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Some of the more ironic comics I have done. I'm making my own emoticons, but I'm still using backgrounds from the game I got them from in the first place.