Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sucker Punched.

Having watched this movie, I then read the reviews. They all got it wrong. The first one, well, I don't know what it said. It droned on and on. It was like watching a politician answering a yes or no question. The second review hated Sucker Punch because the girls were wearing lingerie. The third hated Sucker Punch because it was about an insane asylum being run as a brothel. Close, but not quite there. He mentioned at being confused at the action sequences.

That's where things were screwed up. The action scenes while masterfully choreographed and beautifully animated. Some of the best and most realistic animation since Star Trek 11. Also very clever in the use of them to cover up the real action. Quite frankly they dragged this movie down. They were too long and too many. Predictable and therefore boring. So boring that during the train sequence I went to the bathroom and when I came back I felt as if I hadn't missed anything. I pretty much knew that something was going to go wrong, it had to. The others went off without a hitch.

The part that bothered me the most, and I know coming form me this will sound weird, was the constant references to anime, TV, and movies. If you don't watch any of these you will be confused. If you have watched entirely too much anime, TV, and movies, you will spend time trying to pick out the references, and being very confused as to why Sailor Moon, Saber Riders, Evangelion, and Flyboys are duking it out in All Quite on the Western Front. Then The Hobbit versus Lord of the Rings with Black Sheep Squadron. Terminators guarding the train from Undersiege 2 inside the movie Unstoppable.

It was like The Matrix but without anybody saying don't do that. A fanfic really. Or even a web comic that collates a bunch disparate characters and sticks them together in situations that make absolutely no sense. (cough)

It was a case of misplaced priorities. What should have been concentrated on was the asylum/brothel.

The story of a girl framed for the murder of her little sister by her evil step-dad. Dumped off at an insane asylum to cover the crime. The conditions there were so wretched she in her mind conjures up a brothel fantasy to cover the horrors. Then sacrifices herself so that a friend could be free. THAT'S the story that should have have been told. That is what had me interested. Reminding us that at one time mental hospitals were once this bad. We must be on our toes to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

Admittedly Sucker Punch Out still would have bombed. But at least it would have been worth watching in the dollar theater. Wait for it on cable.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ravy 2011 Pg. 19.

Click Here.

The major headache with doing comics so far in advance is that if I decide to do one about a current event, nobody will remember the event, especially if it is an obscure one, therefore making the joke even more useless than it already was.

Especially if the number one hit song from a year ago is no longer being played on your local hits station.

Update: That song has been played at least a dozen times now.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Almost a "National Stupid Day" moment.

I wanted a certain set of comics to come up precisely on that oh-so important day in February. To make it easy on myself I started putting the date I wanted the comic posted on in the file name. This helped out tremendously. Especially this week.

You see I originally made these comics right after the second round of Op and Toni in the park. This means they would have been posted during the week of April 15th. That date seemed familiar to me. I looked it up and went "Uh-oh."

What made it worse is that the was there was one that had Trauare making a snide comment about a Megaman clone form the early 90's. I wound up cutting that one entirely. Though I may use it as end of year filler.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Release the photos as JPEGs, please.

Mr. President, I will admit to my hypocrisy on this issue. I will never look at the photos. Not my thing. However a majority of Americans and even a majority of the Muslim world want to see these photos. And from what I'm hearing, in the Muslim faith, such photos do harm to the character of that person. Now Bin Laden was not well like in the Muslim community to begin with. Releasing these photos will do no real harm and will serve to prevent him from becoming a martyr.

If these photos are released, please put them out as JPEGs, GIFs, PNGs, or whatever graphic file you seem fit. Please don't use PDF. Remember the even greater stupidity that erupted over the release of the birth certificate? As if the flat birthers weren't bad enough. Now we are getting flat deathers. And I am so sick of Donald Trump death certificate jokes.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Uncle Ralph got his wish.

Years ago my uncle told me that when it comes to the judgment of one's soul, only God can do that. Even for Osama Bin Laden.

And that a sniper should expedite the process