Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ravy 2011 Pg. 22.

Click Here.

If you can at least guess the decade that reference comes from I'll give you 5 bonus No Points.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sleep Walk With Me Live: By Mike Birbiglia.

A new Hastings opened up in town. It is only about ten miles away. The other closest one was about twenty. I love Hastings. Great place to go if you want to find something used, mostly. Each store has a random selection of used stuff. So every few months I'll do a Hasting run. All four, now five, in the area. This new one was worth the stop. Had the newest movies that I wanted. The latest books and magazines that I read and never buy. And to my surprise: Sleep Walk With Me Live.

Surprising because lately comedians have been releasing their albums on I Tunes and Amazon. Not really having them put out in any brick and mortar store. The costs are just too high and online is much cheaper.

Fortunately for Mike Birbiglia Comedy Central did put this album out because I bought it. It's always with trepidation I do that. Larry the Cable Guy and Frank Caliendo are funny to no end for the most part. Even they can put out a turd fest. Mike's album Two Drink Mike was one of those. His other album Secret Public Journal Live was really good.

There were two parts that derailed. I'm a Bear, ECT. Several other comedians had already done eaten by a bear joke. Even though no one was eaten It still wasn't all that good. Then there's Mike's Famouse story about jumping out the hotel window in track three, then rabbit trailed for an hour until finally telling it in the final track.

Overall the album was good and was worth the money. I had heard most of these bits on Bob and Tom, but Mike was able to punch them up and make them even funnier. He would pay off setups quickly enough so that the audience hadn't forgotten. Call backs that were timely enough to be funny. Most importantly told a very good and poignant story. With a few laughs thrown in for good measure.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh My Goddess 17 and 37.

Let's start with number 37. Because I want to end on a good note. (not intended) Clumsy Goddess Chrono is sent on mission to deliver a song to Belldandy. You guessed it, she screws it up. So everybody finds themselves chasing notes and singing their way through six chapters of near boredom. Oh My Goddess is my favorite manga, but I'm not one of those people that think with a zealotry that my heroes do no wrong.

Let's give credit: When have we seen a clumsy goddess in this series? You can't count Skuld, she just has bad luck because she doesn't realize that mechanical parts are made to work a certain way. You make them work they way they weren't designed to, so of course they blow up. Chrono on the other hand... Amazing how Fujishima can still come up with stuff we haven't seen in a 22 year old series.

After volume 16 which put me to sleep, Vol 17 was a nice change of pace. It continues where 16 left off, but goes into high gear. I was finally able to fill in the gaps that I had from Vol 21. Then we got to a Banpei story. Not again. I never liked Banpei stories. I find them boring, and even sick and twisted in one case. This time was different. It started off stupidly as they always do, then comes Sigel. She saves this rest of this issue. Guess what this series needed, another weird female. For the most part I thought it was good story of personal growth.

Why couldn't Sigel had thought the missile launchers were in her legs or feet?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ravy 2011 Pg. 21.

Click Here.

Angry Tonies.

Saturday, May 21, 2011