Let's start with number 37. Because I want to end on a good note. (not intended) Clumsy Goddess Chrono is sent on mission to deliver a song to Belldandy. You guessed it, she screws it up. So everybody finds themselves chasing notes and singing their way through six chapters of near boredom. Oh My Goddess is my favorite manga, but I'm not one of those people that think with a zealotry that my heroes do no wrong.
Let's give credit: When have we seen a clumsy goddess in this series? You can't count Skuld, she just has bad luck because she doesn't realize that mechanical parts are made to work a certain way. You make them work they way they weren't designed to, so of course they blow up. Chrono on the other hand... Amazing how Fujishima can still come up with stuff we haven't seen in a 22 year old series.
After volume 16 which put me to sleep, Vol 17 was a nice change of pace. It continues where 16 left off, but goes into high gear. I was finally able to fill in the gaps that I had from Vol 21. Then we got to a Banpei story. Not again. I never liked Banpei stories. I find them boring, and even sick and twisted in one case. This time was different. It started off stupidly as they always do, then comes Sigel. She saves this rest of this issue. Guess what this series needed, another weird female. For the most part I thought it was good story of personal growth.